
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April Third --a bonus!

I was so touched by many of the talks,but none more than this one,  It goes along so well with the selection in Luke. 


  1. I loved this talk as well! The part that resonated most with me was when he said to stop envying. I'm not the type of person to gossip or bicker, but I have a discontented heart and am constantly pulling myself away from petty comparisons that I create in my mind --things I should do better --ways I should be better.

    This talk made me feel like it is ok to work on improving each day little by little and that that improvement is noticed by a loving Heavenly Father. I decided then and there to STOP IT! If I have found my mind wandering towards that discontented and negative state, I have actually thought those words. It is easier to change with divine assistance and guidance for sure:)

    Pres. Uchtdorf often is the author of my favorite messages. He has a way of making grand things seem realistic and manageable. I love his personal stories too. What an inspiring man!

  2. I agree he does make things seem realistic and manageable. I am always inspired by his calming advice.
