
Saturday, April 7, 2012

April 7

Luke 8:26-56
Genesis 13-14
Psalms 7
3 Nephi 14


  1. Since tomorrow is Easter I wanted to share some insights that I have gained this year.

    This morning Kareena and I took the kids over to an Easter egg hunt and then we went to the temple....such a great way to spend the day before Easter...the temple!

    In the past I have always focused on the events that occurred leading up to the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. What the Savior endured and how miraculous it was that he broke the bands of death and made it possible for us to live forever.

    This year I have been overwhelmed with the Love of our Heavenly Father. I have been thinking about how hard it must have been for him to watch his son go through all of these events. Heavenly Father probably felt at times that he wanted to take this burden from him or wished that he had been able to do it himself. It must have been extremely difficult for him! I know that some of the most difficult times have been watching my children suffer...wishing that I could ease their pain or infirmities. When Heavenly Father allowed his son....or gave his son...he gave his all, his most precious...his everything! It shows us how much he loves us and how he wants us all to receive everything that he has promised.

    As a mother I am so greatful for this perspective that I have gained this Easter season.

  2. Thanks Megan for sharing!! Back in the day Gala and I would host a scripture study each week, that's how we got to know "quiet" Megan. When she would speak up about what she felt and learned, we were all edified. I am so glad she is sharing with us!

    I just read the Luke selection, but before I read the rest, the question I have is why did the Savior tell the man with demons to go and tell everyone, but the family whose daughter had died, he told them to tell nobody. Why the difference?

  3. Megan was talking this morning about Lot and Abram and how Abram opened his home toward Sodom (pitching his tent) and how Abram had opened his home toward the temple (Bethel being a holy place and the altar too) and how their lives were vastly different. She was more eloquent, but the question remains, Where are our homes facing?
    I love the Psalms passage. Teaching Psalms in seminary was fun as I learned the Hebrew way to write Poetry. It's very evident in this poem. The chapter begins and ends the same. I love the plea to the Lord to judge according to his integrity.
    Love you guys- Happy Easter

  4. Lastly lol I love the wisdom and plainness of 3 Nephi 14. As a mother I can relate to the symbolism of giving gifts. It makes such sense that the Lord desires to bless us and all we need to do is do His will and ask.
