
Thursday, April 5, 2012

April 5

Luke 7:18-50
Genesis 11
Psalm 5
3 Nephi 12


  1. I remember a couple of years ago, while studying this portion of Luke 7 having this rush of the spirit confirm to me that I am loved because I love and forgiven because I have offered myself up for forgiveness--we all have those thoughts right of never feeling worthy right? This just wiped them away from my mind that day. It was like nothing I have ever experienced. Although I lack the eloquence to express the moment adequately, it has and hopefully always will be burned in my heart as a reminder that I am worth the effort it takes to live the gospel - that there's nothing that can remove me from it, but myself.

  2. Thank you, Gala for sharing such an amazing and personal experience! Wow!

    Kareena, you could post the stop it sign on this day too!! For Thy faith hath saved thee, go in peace." Is for all!!

    So why in Genesis 11 did we hear about the tower of Babel? I decided to go to the OT gospel doctrine manual to get some ideas this is what I found

    3. The people build the tower of Babel.

    Why did the descendants of Noah decide to build a tower? (See Genesis 11:4.) What do you think they wanted to accomplish by “making a name” for themselves? What is the difference between making a name for ourselves and taking upon us the name of Christ? What responsibilities do we take upon ourselves when we bear the name of Christ? (See Mosiah 18:8–10.)

    What resulted from the attempt to build a tower to heaven? (See Genesis 11:5–9.) Why can’t we reach heaven on our own or by human methods? What is the Lord’s way for us to reach heaven?


    The people who built the tower of Babel were punished because they tried to reach heaven by worldly means. Conversely, Noah and his family were saved from the flood because they lived according to God’s commandments.

    The only way for us to reach heaven—to return to live with our Heavenly Father—is through the gospel of Jesus Christ. We must live righteously, as Noah did, having faith in Christ, repenting of our sins, receiving sacred ordinances, and enduring to the end of our lives. If we do these things, we will rise above evil and be able to return to the presence of God.

    I had never thought of it in this way.

  3. Gala thanks for sharing that spiritual manifestation. Years ago, prior to serving my mission, I was feeling very low and also was studying this part of the new testament. I had an overwhelming feeling that I was being wrapped in His loving arms. It didn't last a long time, but it was real and like you Gala, I've never forgotten.
    Galdriel thanks for sharing the rest of the story, :) I was thinking we probably got our word "babble" from this story where language is confounded. I'm glad to hear more about it because it always seemed kind of random that it was placed there.
